There are 23 respite care facilities in Tacoma, Washington. The costs per day of short term respite care in Washington range from $145 up to $525, with an average cost running approximately $367. The per month cost averages about $11,006 and ranges between $4,350 and $15,747. On an annual basis, the mean cost is about $92,345, which is over the nationwide average of $77,380.
Tacoma is a large city in Pierce County, Washington. It is the third biggest city in Washington. The encompassing metro area includes 5,380,824 residents, but there are 322,873 residing within the city itself. People 55 and over compose 22% of the community.
The SeniorScore™ for Tacoma is 69. The city's median household income is $52,000 ($26,000 per capita), versus an average of $51,000 for the whole of Washington. The median home price in Tacoma is $148,500, which is much less than the state average of $325,500. The city has a high unemployment rate of approximately 9.72%.
Tacoma has moderate average temperatures, with moderate winters and pleasant summers. The area receives very high amounts of rain annually. Tacoma has good water quality, below average air quality, and a very high crime rate in comparison to similarly-sized cities.