There are 17 respite care facilities serving Georgetown, Texas. This includes 8 facilities in Georgetown and 9 nearby. Senior respite care costs in Texas range from around $136 up to $377 daily, with a mean expenditure running around $202. The per month expense averages roughly $6,047 and ranges between $4,089 and $11,310. Annually, the average cost is about $50,735, which is less than the national average of $77,380.
Georgetown is a mid-size city in Williamson County, Texas. It is included in the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan statistical area. The surrounding area is home to 1,275,931 inhabitants, but there are 69,072 living in the city limits. About 35% of the local populace are over the age of 55.
Georgetown has an excellent SeniorScore™ of 81. The mean home price in the city is $223,500, which is more than the state average of $142,500. Georgetown has a moderate unemployment rate of roughly 5.98%. The city's mean household income is $70,000 ($34,000 per person), in comparison to an average of $47,000 for the state of Texas.
Georgetown has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area receives low levels of precipitation each year. Georgetown has excellent water quality ratings and very low air quality in relation to other cities in the United States.