There are 16 respite care facilities serving Mckinney, Texas. This includes 10 facilities in Mckinney and 6 nearby. Respite care costs in Texas range from about $136 up to $377 per day, with a median expenditure running about $202. The per month expense averages around $6,047 and ranges between $4,089 and $11,310. On an annual basis, the mean cost is around $50,735, which is under the nationwide average of $77,380.
Mckinney is a medium sized city in Texas. It is located in Collin County and is included in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metro area. While the surrounding statistical area includes 5,016,388 inhabitants, there are 144,932 living inside the city limits. The 55-and-over community currently composes approximately 17% of the total population.
Mckinney has a good SeniorScore™ of 78. The city's median household income is $81,000 ($34,000 on a per capita basis), compared to the average of $47,000 for the entire state of Texas. The median housing price in Mckinney is $274,500, which is significantly higher than the state average of $142,500. The city has a low unemployment rate of roughly 4.37%.
Mckinney has ideal average temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The city receives average amounts of rainfall annually. Mckinney has a lower than average rate of crime and good air quality ratings in comparison to similarly-sized cities.