There are 11 retirement homes serving St Augustine, Florida. This includes 5 in St Augustine and 6 nearby. The costs per day for retirement home care in Florida range from $16 up to $145, with an average cost running around $55. The per month cost averages about $1,650 and ranges between $467 and $4,356. Yearly, the mean cost is about $19,800, which is under the US average of $23,100.
The cost for retirement home living in St Augustine ranges from about $674 per month all the way up to $3,025 per month. The average cost is approximately $2,213 per month, or about $26,549 per year.
St Augustine is a medium sized city in St. Johns County, Florida. The surrounding metro area is home to 2,177,497 residents, but there are 109,984 within the city limits. Residents over the age of 55 make up around 31% of the total population.
The SeniorScore™ for St Augustine is 73. The city's mean household income is $57,000 ($30,000 per person), compared to the average of $40,000 for the state of Florida. The mean housing price in St Augustine is $252,000, which is higher than the Florida average of $208,500. The city has an average unemployment rate of approximately 8.32%.
St Augustine has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very balmy summers. The area gets very large amounts of precipitation each year. St Augustine has above average air quality, very poor water quality ratings, and a high rate of crime in comparison to similarly-sized cities.