There are 20 skilled nursing facilities serving Mcdonough, Georgia. This includes 1 facility in Mcdonough and 19 nearby. Skilled nursing costs in Georgia range from around $139 up to $288 daily, with a median expense running approximately $216. The monthly cost averages around $6,480 and ranges between $4,176 and $8,640. On a yearly basis, the average cost is around $77,760, which is under the US average of $91,584.
Skilled nursing costs in Mcdonough can range from about $226 per day up to $674 per day, with a median cost of around $265 per day. This equates to an annual cost of about $96,798.
Located in Henry County, Mcdonough is a mid size city in the State of Georgia. It is included in the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta metro statistical area. While the surrounding metropolitan area is home to 4,265,707 people, there are 90,808 residing in the city. 18% of the population are over 55.
Mcdonough has a moderate SeniorScore™ of 67. The city's median household income is $69,000 ($27,000 per person), versus an average of $41,000 for the entire state of Georgia. The median home price in Mcdonough is $237,000, which is somewhat higher than the state average of $163,500. The city also has a moderate unemployment rate of around 8.75%.
Mcdonough has mild mean temperatures, with very mild winters and balmy summers. The city gets very high levels of rain each year. Mcdonough has average air quality ratings and a low rate of crime in relation to other cities in the US.