There are 19 skilled nursing facilities serving Memphis, Tennessee. This includes 11 facilities in Memphis and 8 nearby. Skilled nursing costs in Tennessee range from around $174 up to $335 daily, with a mean cost running approximately $222. The per month expense averages roughly $6,660 and ranges between $5,220 and $10,044. On a yearly basis, the mean cost is around $79,920, which is less than the US average of $91,584.
Costs for skilled nursing in Memphis generally range between $210 per day and $313 per day. The average cost is $244 per day, or around $88,914 yearly.
Memphis is a major city in Shelby County within the State of Tennessee. It is included in the Memphis metropolitan statistical area. With 817,709 residents in the surrounding metro area and 697,385 living within the city itself, it is the biggest city in the state. People over the age of 55 comprise approximately 21% of the total community.
The SeniorScore™ for Memphis is 70. The city's median household income is $41,000 ($22,000 per person), in comparison to the average of $39,000 for the entire state of Tennessee. The median home price in Memphis is $64,500, which is significantly lower than the state average of $163,500. Memphis also has a high unemployment rate of around 13.22%.
Memphis has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and balmy summers. The area receives very large amounts of rainfall annually. Memphis has subpar air quality and a very high rate of crime in relation to other cities in the US.