There are 20 skilled nursing facilities serving Orrville, Ohio. This includes 1 facility in Orrville and 19 nearby. The median cost / day of skilled nursing in Ohio is $250, with costs running between $166 and $378 daily. On a monthly basis, this equates to a median expenditure of $7,488, with costs ranging from around $4,968 to $11,340. The median annual cost is $89,856, which is less than the national average of $91,584.
Located within Wayne County, Orrville is a small city in Ohio. The surrounding statistical area is home to 1,765,603 inhabitants, but there are 13,481 living in the city. 27% of the local residents are over the age of 55.
The SeniorScore™ for Orrville is 72. The city's average household income is $45,000 ($21,000 on a per capita basis), vs an average of $49,000 for the state of Ohio. The average home price in Orrville is $205,500, which is relatively higher than the Ohio average of $177,000. Orrville also has a high unemployment rate of approximately 10.25%.
Orrville has extreme average temperatures, with cold winters and pleasant summers. The area gets low levels of precipitation each year. Orrville has an exceptionally low rate of crime and lower than average air quality compared to other cities in the United States.