There are 20 skilled nursing facilities near St Peters, Missouri. The daily costs for skilled nursing in Missouri range from $138 up to $299, with a median cost running around $174. The per month cost averages about $5,220 and ranges between $4,140 and $8,964. On a yearly basis, the average cost is around $62,640, which is below the US average of $91,584.
The cost for skilled nursing in St Peters, MO typically ranges from as little as $156 per day up to $456 per day. The average cost is approximately $228 per day, or around $83,220 annually.
St Peters is a medium sized city in Saint Charles County, Missouri. Though the surrounding metropolitan area is home to 133,682 inhabitants, there are 70,828 living within the city. About 23% of the local residents are over the age of 55.
St Peters has a good SeniorScore™ of 79. The city has an average per capita income of $31,000. The mean household income is $73,000 vs the average of $43,000 for the state of Missouri. The current unemployment rate is roughly 5.47% and the mean home price is $256,500, which is more than the Missouri average of $153,000.
St Peters has moderate mean temperatures, with comfortable winters and mildly warm summers. The area receives average amounts of rain each year. Compared to other American cities, St Peters has a lower than average rate of crime, good air quality ratings, and excellent water quality.