There are 20 nursing homes serving Moberly, Missouri. This includes 4 in Moberly and 16 nearby. The median daily cost of nursing home care in Missouri is $145, with costs ranging between $115 and $249 daily. On a per month basis, this equates to a mean expense of $4,350, with costs ranging from about $3,450 to $7,470. The median annual cost is $52,925, which is below the national average of $77,380.
Nursing home care costs in Moberly generally range from around $159 per day to $290 per day, with a median cost of around $167 per day. That equates to an annual cost of $60,955.
Located within Randolph County, Moberly is a small city in Missouri. The encompassing area includes 1,069,475 residents, but there are 17,681 living within the city itself. The 55+ community currently comprises approximately 25% of the total population.
Moberly has an average SeniorScore™ of 67. The city's median household income is $34,000 ($17,000 on a per capita basis), vs the average of $43,000 for the whole of Missouri. The median housing price in Moberly is $130,500, which is somewhat lower than the Missouri average of $153,000. Moberly has a moderate unemployment rate of roughly 6.64%.
Moberly has tolerable average temperatures, with tolerable winters and mildly warm summers. The area gets average levels of rain each year. In relation to similarly-sized cities, Moberly has very good air quality and a low rate of crime.