There are 21 skilled nursing facilities serving Plano, Texas. This includes 2 facilities in Plano and 19 nearby. The average daily cost of skilled nursing care in Texas is approximately $167, with costs running between $113 and $312 per day. On a per month basis, this equates to a mean expenditure of $5,004, with costs ranging from about $3,384 to $9,360. The average annual cost is $60,048, which is less than the national average of $91,584.
The cost for skilled nursing in Plano generally ranges from around $156 per day to $392 per day. The average cost is approximately $258 per day, or around $94,170 annually.
Plano is a major city in Collin County in Texas. It is included in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area. With 5,016,388 inhabitants in the encompassing metro area and 278,067 living within the city limits, it is the 10th biggest city in Texas. The 55+ community currently constitutes about 20% of the overall population.
Plano has an outstanding SeniorScore™ of 82. The median housing price in the city is $276,000, which is much more than the state average of $142,500. Plano also has an average unemployment rate of roughly 5.6%. The city's median household income is $87,000 ($41,000 per capita), in comparison to the average of $47,000 for the entire state of Texas.
Plano has ideal mean temperatures, with very mild winters and very temperate summers. The city gets average levels of precipitation each year. Plano has moderate water quality ratings, good air quality, and a lower than average crime rate in comparison to similarly-sized cities.